11 October 2008

After the Revolution (Glib, people, GLIB)

Without going into details, I'll go ahead and tell you two things that are important in my life.

One, my friends and I are slowly preparing ourselves for survival after the downfall of civilization (the phrase "every animal has enough brains to tan it's own hide," has almost lost meaning due to repetition here at the Dorchester).

Two, most of my friends and I are obsessed with post-apocalyptic fiction in both book and movie form. Especially if the apocalypse came in the form of zombies or viruses (re: 28 Days Later - ARE YOU KIDDING? A VIRUS THAT CAUSES THE APOCALYPSE BY TURNING PEOPLE INTO ZOMBIES? This is the greatest movie ever made).

This is all just background information so that I could tell you all that my friend Snakes had a dream the other night in which the apocalypse came in zombie form.

And what did he and I (and I think Jenny) do?

We perched in the window drinking beer, poking our heads out on occasion, watching the ruckus and shooting the zombies. Protecting our land as it were. Snakes taught me proper rifle technique, and the best way to target a lurching zombie, and then we saluted one another with clinking beer bottles and good cheer.

I can't WAIT for the end.


emillikan said...


I just realized you are the ONLY person I know not on facebook (okay maybe not quite) and therefore you would not know that the blog which has become private is still actually open to you. If you don't already have a wordpress account, make one and let me know your username and I'll add you.

And, PS, about Body I've never had room to speak to anyone, I know, but I still have to say it: I'm secretly riotously proud of you.


Lindsay: said...

Em, my wordpress username is neverredder. Lucky for me I just signed up like two days ago.

Re: body, we all have something to struggle with, so even if you can't empathize it doesn't matter. But I appreciate everyone's support (I don't know if they know this, because I've been clear about my struggle with it. I don't necessarily want to feel like I'm being rewarded for looking better. Even though I know that's not what anyone means), so thank you.

Frank Charlemagne said...

Hey, hey - cut the chatter - zombies, OK? Focus.

Before wasting ammo, please check:

though you should probably check it anyway.

emillikan said...

Added. :)

I know what you mean. Still proud. It's like if my friend Steph told me she was proud of me for becoming a vegetarian (or trying); I feel like crap all the time, why would I not want to do something about it? But still. It's HARD.

Yes, shoo, go hunt zombies.

Frank Charlemagne said...

I just discovered that Fionn MacCool's has wireless, ashtrays, and a decent enough lunch menu.

I have an urge to just hang out here until Roger comes back or my credit card maxes.

Lindsay: said...

Ahh Fionn MacCool's. I hope your credit card has an insane limit because Roger ain't headed that way ever again.

He will, however, be at the Claddagh next Friday (the 25th), if you would like to join the gang for some much needed rabble-rousing.